JT 328 type bridge rubber seal belt compression performance test device
[scope of application] This machine is a special test device developed according to the test requirements of JT / T 327-2016 General Technical Conditions of Highway Bridge Expansion Joint Device and other relevant standards. It is mainly used for the assembly tolerance and waterproof performance test in the compression and tensile test of the bridge expansion device, which can flatten the expansion device, simulate the actual stress state of the expansion device in the highway bridge, and can be used for the assembly tolerance and waterproof performance test of modular single seam and double seam samples. [meet a criterion] JT / T 327-2016 Assembly tolerance requirements-Compression performance test JT / T 327-2016 General technical conditions for highway bridge expansion device Appendix C Test method for waterproof performance CJ / T 497-2016 Appendix C Test method for waterproof performance of finished expansion devices